European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) : 20th Annual Meeting
10-14th september 2014

The call for proposinf sessions and round tables for EAA Istanbul 2014 Meeting is now open to terminate on November 11, 2013. In compliance with the rules set by EAA on keeping strict deadlines, interactive system registering and accepting proposals will automatically shutdown at 17.00 pm GMT (19.00 local time in Turkey).

The list of sessions and round tables accepted by Scientific Committee will be announced on the Web page of the EAA Istanbul Meeting on December 16, 2013 and the call for papers will open at that date.

The following six themes define the framework of the Istanbul 2014 EAA Annual Meeting ; the decision to select these themes was taken within the context of incorporating a wide range of subjects covering all time periods on a supra-regional level. In order to concert with the objective of EAA, the Scientific Committee considers the first theme “Connecting seas – across the borders” as the prime theme of the Istanbul Meeting.

  • Connecting seas – across the borders
  • Managing archaeological heritage : past and present
  • Ancient technologies in social context
  • Environment and subsistence : the geosphere, ecosphere and human interaction
  • Times of chang : collapse and transformative impulses
  • Retrieving and interpreting the archaeological record

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